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User Comments
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Feb 15, 2009
08:21 PM
Ripple Chat Bot is awesome for this...
Open RCB, connect, enter a channel or something...
Press Ctrl+P to open the Packet Builder.
- Packet ID: 22
- String: The client ID your using (I used NB2W, while using Diablo II)
- DWORD: Anything you want... (I used 79 which is 4F)
- NTString: A game that's currently online (find one with /games).
- NTString: The password, leave blank if no password.
Press Send and then type "/whoami", or look at the channel you were in and notice your not in it.
I have messed with this packet enough to know that, the first DWORD must be a valid game ID (doesn't have to be your current client) and the second DWORD can be anything you wish (0-255).
I assume these:
- The first DWORD is used to tell other clients that you are or are not playing the same game id as they are.
- The second DWORD is used to tell other clients that you are or are not playing the same game version as they are.