BNETDocs Redux
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User Comments
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Sep 13, 2007
05:33 PM
mmm should i say you need to send game protocol byte (0x01) before starting sending the logon sequence.
Sep 14, 2007
04:11 AM
Added. While that is more of a widely known necessity, I can see the need to point out the need, so developers will not have to deal with this issue as much from people new to Battle.net bot development.
Dec 01, 2007
12:06 AM
Warcraft III
RECV <- SID_PING (0x25)
SEND -> SID_PING (0x25) (Optional)
I noticed there are some gaps in the current sequences as well.
Dec 01, 2007
02:19 PM
added the wc3 login sequence
Mar 02, 2008
12:32 AM
C->S: 0x50
S->C: 0x25
C->S: 0x25
S->C: 0x50
C->S: 0x51
S->C: 0x51
C->S: 0x2d
C->S: 0x33 - icons_star.bni
C->S: 0x14
C->S: 0x33 - tos_USA.txt
C->S: 0x33 - bnserver.ini
C->S: 0x26 - profile\sex
Record\GAME\0\last game
Record\GAME\0\last game result
Record\GAME\1\high rating
Record\GAME\1\high rank
Record\GAME\1\last game
Record\GAME\1\last game result
S->C: 0x2d
S->C: 0x33 - icons_STAR.bni
S->C: 0x33 - tos_USA.txt
S->C: 0x33 - bnserver.ini
S->C: 0x26
C->S: 0x3a
S->C: 0x3a
C->S: 0x0a
C->S: 0x0b
C->S: 0x0C - "StarCraft", "BroowWar"
S->C: 0x0b
S->C: 0x0a
May 30, 2008
01:29 AM
(New lines are either 0x0A or 0x0D)
(When you send a message with multiple lines, it sends it like a queue without a wait, so don't flood offline by doing this)
(For a full list of packets, contact me)
* Connect.
C>S: 0x03 (Telnet)
C>S: 0x04 (Login)
C>S: New line
S>C: "Enter your account name and password."
S>C: New line
S>C: "Username: "
C>S: "Jailout2000"
C>S: New line
S>C: "Password: "
C>S: "Password"
C>S: New line
S>C: "Connection from []"
S>C: New line
- Note: From here on, each packet will be on a new line, and will be regular ascii strings, not surrounded by quotes and not ending with a null-terminator -
S>C: 2010 NAME Jailout2000
S>C: 1007 CHANNEL "Public Chat 1"
- Server will send 1001 USER to you for each user in the channel -
S>C: 1001 USER Jailout2000 0010 [CHAT]
- Server will send 1002 JOIN to everyone in the channel except you -
C>S: /join Public Chat 100
S>C: 1007 CHANNEL "Public Chat 100"
S>C: 1001 USER Jailout2000 0010 [CHAT]
S>C: 1005 TALK Jailout2000 0010 "It's just me in this channel."
I know Telnet was deprecated and can no longer be used, but what the heck, why not add it? You never know when someone will want to implement it... :P
Jul 04, 2008
01:00 AM
C>S 0x50
S>C 0x25
C>S 0x25
S>C 0x50
C>S 0x51
S>C 0x51
C>S 0x33
S>C 0x33
C>S 0x3A
S>C 0x3A
C>S 0x0B
C>S 0x0A
-- At this point you're in the lobby and you can send 0x0C to enter a channel
S>C 0x0B
S>C 0x0A
This is logging into an open character thru the client.
Feb 16, 2009
06:31 PM
This list is pretty and all, but its missing quite a bit of important packets in ALL of the sequences. Try http://www.bnetdocs.com/old/sequence.html if you want a good list of sequences.
May 08, 2009
08:47 AM
I suggest adding links to these packets, so users will find it a lot easier to find the exact packet.
Sep 26, 2009
05:35 PM
@Myself: Fixed that, copied most of it from the older one. The STAR/SEXP/WAR3/W3XP are taken from actual logs I have on my local computer.
@Vector: Added links to all of the packets, I agree - it helps.
Aug 17, 2010
09:34 AM
Hmmm... Diablo I can have a SID_UDPPINGRESPONSE (0x14) too... or at least, I think? I get a UDP plug when using it, and when I send 0x14, I don't.
Sep 26, 2010
05:53 AM
Possibly add W3DM and shortened Telnet reference.
Oct 07, 2010
03:47 AM
@Sixen: Added.